Wednesday, 15 July 2009

SUPRIIIISE.. its a rainforest!

So yesterday i had my day planned ..i was going to take the rather frustratingly long bus journey to manoa and take the 1andhalf hour hike to see manoa falls. I had my audio book on my ipod...a selection of playlists tailored to fit hiking and masses of water. Did i see the falls??.. No i did not. And this was not due to my lifestyle induced lack of fitness (apparently alcohol and pot noodles are not the new water and lettuce). As i arrived at what might be called the entrance to the path which i noticed, although i am no expert on the subject, largly resembled a large forest. I wasnt too shocked. The shock came when i stepped through the entrance and within minutes found myself arse deep in mud, extremely wet and bitten more in minutes than i had been my stay so far. I had also had the audacity to wear flip flops, as a slipped and slided everywhere i decided this was not over.

Which brings me to today. Im going back ..with trainers, a towel and insect repellent. I also decided to wear jeans and it feels strange wearing clothes that consist of more than a bum cover and a pair of straps. So wish me luck, and this waterfall best be bloody good lol.


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