Thursday, 9 July 2009
Little tanned Hispanic looking but American sounding boy: Your shoes are odd ... and small
Me: haha i know i did it on purpose
Boy: you speak funny
Me: :D ha thanks, you speak funnier
Boy: Say Wah-derrr
Me: Waw-turrr
Boy: *giggles lots* again again
Me: Waw-tur
Boy: Say it my way
Boy: why do you say it the other way if you can say it that way
Me: you say it my way ..
i cannot describe the cuteness of this :)
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
A good day :)
I know iv put a lot of the foresty photos up but it was sooo pretty
Monday, 6 July 2009
Before i forget
Oh My God!!! i forgot about this one... i had waited a good half hour for a bus with my suitcase ready to go to the flat. i then found out buses wont take suitcases. I ordered a taxi and asked how much it would cost, around $10 they said. So i waited the 5 minutes and from around the corner appeared a white Limousine. "well this shouldn't be down here" i thought. From it appeared a hench tattoed chinese man .. with a pony tail hahaha. He looked at me super confused as i creased my body in hysterics. I got so excited someone asked if i wanted a picture..
Anyway it was independence day and it was amazing here ..everyone i spoke to was all happy july 4th and the Fireworks were awesome. I ended up watching the fireworks on the river in ala moana and it was so pretty.. he pictures didnt come out very clear tho so heres some i took before the fireworks...
This picture made me laugh
Me before i went sunbathin ... you should see the tan now muahaha
So anyway what else... i met a proffeser of San fransisco University and he took me round the markets and i went his for food .. he was really interesting .. i met this brother and sister at the bus stop and we were chatting for ages, they dont live far away so maybe ill meet up with them again ...and i met this man .. he was dark skinned white haired and wearing a top hat with a cane ... he was soo sweet and was telling me about how he left hawaii when he was 13 and lived in Germany for 40 years... he even walked me to the bus stop i was supposed to be at lol ... iv met sooooo many more cool people and had sooo many more interesting conversations i cant keep up or write them down fast enough..but ill do my best
anywayz iv done a fair bit of typing today so tataaa for now aaand
:) x
Sunday, 5 July 2009
Sserd Der
"Aha bus times" after picking up a total of 16 bus pamflets she attempted to open them all while decifering each one. Slowly engulfed by a dduvet of numbers she decided to get on the first bus that appeared. Bus... bus... BUS!!! She was sat their seeing how man Haagan Dazs vans she could spot whilst listening intently listening to the voice of the bus. "Koko Head", the voice boomed. Whilst haphazardly checking the contents of her moon shaped straw bag she shuffled her way to the front of the bus. She thanked the driver and merrily hopped of the bus. Regardless of the fact that she had got their a good 4 hours later than intended she felt rather 'chuffed' with herself. As she fiished reading the directions she had kindly written for herself she looked up, the mass of land that stood before her made her jump. Their was mountain with layers of housing rippling up it and one impressive looking rain cloud- even by her standard. She walked towards these masses aware that where she was headed was going to be some effort. As she marched though the streets she slowed down and smiled. On one side a skyline lined with tall buildings and white lights while the sun shot one last red tinted ray of light. On the other, a mountain laced in cloud so dark it could be worlds apart from that other side. She began to recognise the street names and noticed the steep hill that lay ahead of her, she plodded up the slope to then be confronted by a good 50 steps. She sat on the first step, partly to enjoy the scenery partly to prepare herself for the mass of stairs.
She turned at the top of the stairs to see the whole city looking up at her. Tower blocks, the sun, the moon, the mountain, the sea, it was all their. She laughed at herself in amazement, a month ago she had been stuck her tiny room in the middle of somewhere she didn't really want to be. She knew that other people found that place fascinating, she had heard it lots since she'd left, but she knew that their had to be somewhere better than that, surely. So as she turned she was confronted by two doors, on a whim she took the left. The room she saw was quirky and artistic, one wall being the face of the exposed mountain it had been built on. She walked around the flat and was overcome with giddyness. She couldn't have wished for this if she tried. The sky had turned dark and she thought it best to start heading back. feeling brave she decided to walk the hour journey. She wanted sleep.
She began to walk along the coast, trying to brush the sand off the back of her legs everytime her flip floppes (or slippers as they called them their) flipped. As she was walking she realised she was completely alone on an Island in the middle of nowhere, nowhere being the pacific ocean. She had been walking for nearly 2 hours but she realised that she was quite content with what she had and what she was doing. She had everything she needed right their. She heard a man shouting something and curiously turned around..
"Hey Lady, your dress is tucked in your pants"
I am going..
i have a busy day tomorow so im going to spend today sunbathing and in the sea as iv not done so yet :D
traaa ..oh yeah iv missed loadsa posts so got loads to tell but ill update it soon