Soooo a few days to catch up on...
I did a cleaning job the other day with steves sister and some other guy.. the guy was way cool and had suprisingly good music taste.. so we did a maaaasssive house on the beach and then two apartments..
the guy that owned the apartments wife died a few weeks ago and their were pictures of her funeral... apparently they all went canoeing and a helecopter came over and dropped pettles while they scatterd the ashes .. by the sounds of it she was a pretty cool lady.. shed never surfed before and started two years ago when shes like 60 or something and she won awards n stuff.
The view from one of the flats
Rainbooooowwww... honestly their everywhere..i guess thats why some people call it the rainbow state :)
So .. i had to get up at like 6 but i felt pretty good and the pay is well goood soo fingers crossed i get some more work.
lol me a cleaner lmao .. was fun though they both had a way good sense of humour.
I'v also noticed how people seem to use what they would concider english slang and swearing when their near me .. the number of times iv heard "bloody hell" lol
Theeeen..yesterday i climbed the diamond head crater ..i keep calling it a mountain but apparently it is technically a "tuff" lol.. i know i thought it was a funny word too.
If i remember correctly a tuff is when the lava of a volcano is cooled by water and turnes into ash.. the volcano then releases the ash on to the surface which over time becomes solid and forms a tuff. :)
So journey
This was the entrance .. not the most exciting picture in the world but it might be usefull to anyone who fancies climbing the crater so they know what it looks like for future reference ha
So when i was going for my interview at the US embassy in London the guy who interviewed me asked where i was going in i told him and he said "you have to try the shaved ice their". So here it is, shaved ice in coconut, rasberry and passion fruit flavour .. it was yummy.
Anywho .. the climb wasnt as bad as i thought it would be although i climbed at least 200 stairs. I was right near the top when my camera dyed ..: typical ..the view was amazing too ..but hey i guess im here for a while so i can always do it again.
Map of the route
100 steps..
The view from the diamond head which i robbed off google as i forgot to charge my camera battery :)
Aaaaaaaaaaand the view from the flat last night .. it was way pretty
So iv tried to cram a bit this post .. its getting harder keeping it updated ..but ill do my best :)
Bye for now
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