Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Below are pictures from my eventually successfull hike upto Manoa Falls. It was messy to say the least. I got muddy, i got wet..and abit sweaty. I got bitten like never before, one bit has turned to the size of a large apple. Nice. Although i was quite contented with the forest and my audiobook, although im starting to feel like im on a hiker beginers course lol.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
SUPRIIIISE.. its a rainforest!
So yesterday i had my day planned ..i was going to take the rather frustratingly long bus journey to manoa and take the 1andhalf hour hike to see manoa falls. I had my audio book on my ipod...a selection of playlists tailored to fit hiking and masses of water. Did i see the falls??.. No i did not. And this was not due to my lifestyle induced lack of fitness (apparently alcohol and pot noodles are not the new water and lettuce). As i arrived at what might be called the entrance to the path which i noticed, although i am no expert on the subject, largly resembled a large forest. I wasnt too shocked. The shock came when i stepped through the entrance and within minutes found myself arse deep in mud, extremely wet and bitten more in minutes than i had been my stay so far. I had also had the audacity to wear flip flops, as a slipped and slided everywhere i decided this was not over.
Which brings me to today. Im going back ..with trainers, a towel and insect repellent. I also decided to wear jeans and it feels strange wearing clothes that consist of more than a bum cover and a pair of straps. So wish me luck, and this waterfall best be bloody good lol.
Which brings me to today. Im going back ..with trainers, a towel and insect repellent. I also decided to wear jeans and it feels strange wearing clothes that consist of more than a bum cover and a pair of straps. So wish me luck, and this waterfall best be bloody good lol.
Monday, 13 July 2009
Catch up
Soooo a few days to catch up on...
I did a cleaning job the other day with steves sister and some other guy.. the guy was way cool and had suprisingly good music taste.. so we did a maaaasssive house on the beach and then two apartments..
the guy that owned the apartments wife died a few weeks ago and their were pictures of her funeral... apparently they all went canoeing and a helecopter came over and dropped pettles while they scatterd the ashes .. by the sounds of it she was a pretty cool lady.. shed never surfed before and started two years ago when shes like 60 or something and she won awards n stuff.
The view from one of the flats
Rainbooooowwww... honestly their everywhere..i guess thats why some people call it the rainbow state :)
So .. i had to get up at like 6 but i felt pretty good and the pay is well goood soo fingers crossed i get some more work.
lol me a cleaner lmao .. was fun though they both had a way good sense of humour.
I'v also noticed how people seem to use what they would concider english slang and swearing when their near me .. the number of times iv heard "bloody hell" lol
Theeeen..yesterday i climbed the diamond head crater ..i keep calling it a mountain but apparently it is technically a "tuff" lol.. i know i thought it was a funny word too.
If i remember correctly a tuff is when the lava of a volcano is cooled by water and turnes into ash.. the volcano then releases the ash on to the surface which over time becomes solid and forms a tuff. :)
So ..my journey
This was the entrance .. not the most exciting picture in the world but it might be usefull to anyone who fancies climbing the crater so they know what it looks like for future reference ha
So when i was going for my interview at the US embassy in London the guy who interviewed me asked where i was going in America..so i told him and he said "you have to try the shaved ice their". So here it is, shaved ice in coconut, rasberry and passion fruit flavour .. it was yummy.
Anywho .. the climb wasnt as bad as i thought it would be although i climbed at least 200 stairs. I was right near the top when my camera dyed ..: typical ..the view was amazing too ..but hey i guess im here for a while so i can always do it again.
Map of the route
100 steps..
The view from the diamond head which i robbed off google as i forgot to charge my camera battery :)
Aaaaaaaaaaand the view from the flat last night .. it was way pretty
So iv tried to cram a bit this post .. its getting harder keeping it updated ..but ill do my best :)
Bye for now
Sunday, 12 July 2009
In an emoticon ... :D
Okay so its 2.20 am and i should probably be either sleeping, planning my day tomorow or updating n uploading pics onto here. Know what im doin??..
Iv been listening to The Cure all night and am feeling pretty darn good..
i assumed that being in a different country everything would change ..like my normal habbits would diminish a bit .. but noope .. im in Hawaii and still doing the exact same thing as i would be on a sunday night in England
Im not sure whether thats good or bad .. and to be frank i dont really care .. im happy.
Sooo i can only hope that everyone else is feelin as good as me ..and if not .. "things can only get better".. in the wise words of D:ream
Tata for now and ill update this properly when im not feeling so damn fabulous :)
Iv been listening to The Cure all night and am feeling pretty darn good..
i assumed that being in a different country everything would change ..like my normal habbits would diminish a bit .. but noope .. im in Hawaii and still doing the exact same thing as i would be on a sunday night in England
Im not sure whether thats good or bad .. and to be frank i dont really care .. im happy.
Sooo i can only hope that everyone else is feelin as good as me ..and if not .. "things can only get better".. in the wise words of D:ream
Tata for now and ill update this properly when im not feeling so damn fabulous :)
Thursday, 9 July 2009
So i was under one of those beach shower thingies tryna make sure i did wake up the next morning with sand everywhere (i seem to have a nack for that, in corfu rach kept making jokes about how the cleaner would have changed the sheets and id just have to stand near the bed and theird be sand in it ..before if even got on it lol) anyway.. heres how it went
Little tanned Hispanic looking but American sounding boy: Your shoes are odd ... and small
Me: haha i know i did it on purpose
Boy: you speak funny
Me: :D ha thanks, you speak funnier
Boy: Say Wah-derrr
Me: Waw-turrr
Boy: *giggles lots* again again
Me: Waw-tur
Boy: Say it my way
Boy: why do you say it the other way if you can say it that way
Me: you say it my way ..
i cannot describe the cuteness of this :)
Little tanned Hispanic looking but American sounding boy: Your shoes are odd ... and small
Me: haha i know i did it on purpose
Boy: you speak funny
Me: :D ha thanks, you speak funnier
Boy: Say Wah-derrr
Me: Waw-turrr
Boy: *giggles lots* again again
Me: Waw-tur
Boy: Say it my way
Boy: why do you say it the other way if you can say it that way
Me: you say it my way ..
i cannot describe the cuteness of this :)
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
A good day :)
so... i had a well good day today:)
realised last night when trying to ring the banks in england to continue sorting out my card jazz that my free week contract thingie had run out and i had to go pay for the rest of the month grr ..so didnt get through bummer..
so anyway that was my plan for today ..go pay for the phone and job hunt..i had an early night because iv been sooo tired lately. But this morning about 8.45 i heard a knock on the window, it was steve from upstairs. Id totally forgotten id said we'd go drive round half the island, but at least it got me up early. Btw steve is the retired guy who helped me with my suitcase, he's from Michigan but moved here after his divorce and his 25 yr old son lives here too. So he invited me up for breakfast and showed me around the rest of the building. Okay so first .. he made corned beef hash omelet with cheese ...i was like woooah this is random..but it tasted pretty good. secondly the building was coooool....they had this japanese style bathroom with some walk in square bath thing .. and the views were awesome. Sooo we set off round the island.. we stopped off at a few of the more secluded beaches and the famous Hanauma bay which was beautiful. It was also pretty amazing when we went deeper into the island, everything was green and foresty.
Oooh yeah, before that steve took me to where he works. The Waikiki Yacht club, he introduced me to everyone and we bumped into the owner.. he said he had a meeting but hed chat to me after. Anyway i got an application form and true to his word we sat and had a chat afterwards, he was super friendly and had masses of silver hair. He said that hed ask around and find me some work and told me to give steve my application when its done. So fingers crossed, everythings sorta difficult with the job thing as im still waiting for my bloomin Social Security number. But yeah hopefully in a few weeks ill be working at cold stone creamery and the Yacht club..it was so cool their too full of expensive boats and rich (but extremely friendly) people.
Sooo after going round the Island we headed back, Steve said his sister owns a cleaning business and hed mention me to her to see if he could get me a few hours. To be honest i didnt expect anything to come of it but a later that night one of Steves flatmates came down and asked me to ring Steve.. so i did. He then gave me his sisters number because she was going to try and sort me out with some work ..so i did. And shes coming to pic me up at 7:30 on friday to sort out what ill be doing. So that should be some pocket money, again fingers crossed shes cool about the whole social security thing... i soooooo need the money right now.
I know iv put a lot of the foresty photos up but it was sooo pretty
Ooooh aand when i went to get my phone sorted i started talking to the guy and he said if i give out these flyers and put my name at the bottom... every person that goes in with one that has my name on ill get 5 dollars..so gna go do that tomorow before going to the beach.
Sooo i had a good day today, although i have an insect bite on my bum and its reeeaaaaally annoying lol.
And already i cant help but think.. i want to come back and visit all the people iv met here again.. i want to live here for the summer again (although ill this may be a bit premature..i could end up hating it here pah) but then i want to go all these other places and have other experiences.. i dont wana get attached to the first place i properly visit..even if it is Hawaii. So not really sure what ill do.. but i think ill be having a hard decision on my hands next year. Hmmm.. well all i can say is..if anyones reading this and you've ever even remotely conciderd coming Hawaii...do it ... its amazing in so many expected and unexpected ways..and more importantly..i have never been ANYWHERE where the people are as friendly and helpfull and kind as they are here..ever lol
Anywho less of the ranting... i hope your all good and your all having a good summer... keep me updated with stuff from back home too ..id like that :)
So Mahalo for now and hope ya like the piccies
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